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Delivering projects together

As a business owner, everything becomes your responsibility.  Whether you have a team to delegate to or have to find time your self, you may realise that you don't always have the experience, time or expertise to get some jobs done and may not be able to afford to bring in someone on full time basis.  After all you started your business because of the passion for what you do not for the stuff that comes with running a business.


BREAD are able to help support you and share expertise to deliver some of those key projects you keep putting off.  Whether its a rebuild of your website to ensure search engines can find you and promote you to customers; A review of your sales and marketing approach: reposition your brand; review your customer journey; ensure your operation is working efficiently; we have the experience within our network to help you make a difference.


Unlike other advisors we do not want to simply point out the problems and recommend the changes, our approach is to deliver the changes in a way that enables you to become more able to manage things moving forward and also to become less reliant on outside support - its almost like we try to make ourselves redundant in the process.

Kabin Copany employs Bread to grow online business

Our website was an important part of our business, but we lacked the skills and focus to make sure that it was manageable and also performed well in Google searches and generated business.  Working with BREAD was easy.  They took time to understand what we were looking for, what our company offered and then found a suitable solution.  BREAD rebuilt our website and more importantly enabled us  to manage our web site and helped us understand how.  We have started to see enquiries from our online presence for the first time.


Pete, Owner

Kabin Company

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